
Here is Ansuz.

This run eis connected with inspiration
In translation from old Scandynavian it means Odyn, sign or air.
In its rite symbolizes the Odyn’s coat.
It can be Said that this rune says:
„ Let the Poetry Muses lead you on their wings”
By analogy with this rune the most appropriate
is comparing your way to two Gods: Odyn and Prometheus.

Look my friend: Odyn was a very wise warrior, who was in people’s service.

This Master of all Gods sacrificed his own eye to understand poetry.
In this way he acquired the mystery of interlacing spells,
because most of them is in verse form.

He was the Wise Man who gave people the hugest gift – Runes,
so thanks to them they could write down their thoughts.

Prometheus brought an anger and punishment on himself,
setting against his heavenly brothers,
as he stole the fire and offered it to human beings.
He sacrificed himself for the idea, injudiciously using his knowledge.

Ansuz is the rune which supports fantasy,
lightness and poetry of your soul.
It helps clearly and precisely telling you thoughts.
Therefore it is responsible for the free contact between people..
It will support you in your “commercial” actions as well
in the meaning of trading material things as in your ideas and possibilities.
Ansuz will attract people who have an open tender heart,
and yet they are unselfishly interested
in using the possibilities inherent in you Ansuz.

But we must remember that the rune Ansuz does not like lies and hypocrisy.
If you were defiled with them,
can take revenge by bringing embarrassing situations to show the truth.

Let lie never hosted at your mouth and heart.
Let poetry bears you through the paths of life..

Here is Ansuz
It is the fourth rune of of alphabet, the older futhark.
Belongs to the field or in other words, home, or Frey’s aelt
Energeticly it belongs to the ring of Air.
The names you can meet: Ansur, Ansuz, Ansus, Os, Ass
Responding letter : A

Kalendarz  runy